Dropped Your iPhone in Water? Well there is a Fix for that ! [Video]

Just came across this video and thought I should share it with you all. It is for one of those awful moments when you drop your iPhone or any other expensive portable consumer electronics item in water and you are then clueless on how to fix it. Since warranties don’t cover water damage, this procedure posted by iFixYouri can come to your rescue big time!
The DIY (Do It Yourself) procedure as explained on the site:
It is imperative to remove the iPhone out of the water ASAP. Once the iPhone is out of the water, you want to make sure it is powered off.
If you get a white pinwheel on the screen and it won’t turn of, you hold down the power button and home button until it turns off. In the video we failed to record it powering back on after we powered it off. We simply repeated the ‘power off process’ and moved on to the next important step; remove the SIM card.
Once the SIM card is removed you want to put the iPhone in an uncooked bag of rice. Tighten the bag so all extra air is gone and seal it.
Wait 48 to 76 hours after the water exposure and then try it out. If you find at that time it is not functioning properly as a result of the iPhone water damage put back in the rice and mail to us.
And here is the video which shows the above instructions in detail:

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