iPhone 5 and iHand Accessory for iPhone 4 Unveiled [Humor]

Having the infamous reception issues on your new iPhone 4? well you are not alone on this. Apart from the upcoming firmware update iOS 4.0.1 / 4.1 which is due in the “next few weeks”, there are two other ways to fix this problem.
One is to wait for iPhone 5 (pictured below) which, well with an all new design is going to change things all over again Winking smile.

iPhone 5
And second way is to get iHand accessory for iPhone 4 from Apple.
Weak signal in your iPhone 4? Let Apple give you a hand. Now you can put iPhone to your ear without the harmful effects of epidermal contact. When staying connected is important, iHand is just the right touch.
iHand for iPhone 4
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