IE9 vs. Chrome vs. Firefox: Microsoft’s Gaining Ground [VIDEO]

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer may still hold dominant market share in the web browser arena, but it is quickly fading against strong competition from Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The IE browser has been much maligned for its lack of support for web standards and its poor performance against the competition.
Enter IE9, the next iteration of the world’s still most-used browser. Microsoft is taking a completely new approach to IE9, embracing HTML5 and CSS3 and placing a heavy focus on web standards and speed.
Yesterday, the company launched IE9 Platform Preview 3 at an event in San Francisco. What surprised us was that Microsoft’s presentation focused almost exclusively on how IE9 beats its competitors, Chrome 5 and Firefox 3.6.4. They ran test after test showing off its processing capabilities. What came up the most though was hardware acceleration: IE9 utilizes DirectX 10 to make far better use of the hardware.
The results, we admit, are striking. Check out both of the videos below. The first demonstrates a speed test between IE9 and Chrome, and the second pits IE9 against Firefox.
Could IE9 finally be the iteration that turns Internet Explorer’s woes and horrendous reputation around? We leave it up to you to decide.

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